27 February, 2011

Blogs and Link Maintenance

I just added a couple of Blogs to my blogrolls, they may have been sitting in the list of blogs that I follow for a while but I don't often check. There are two basic different ways to have blogs appear in a blog roll.

Bonnie at MBS does it both ways, alphabetical and by last post date. On her site the blogs with recent updates appear at the top right side of her blog. Then below that she lists all blogs that she "follows" in alphabetic order.

What I've done here is similar with both blog rolls appearing on the right side of the page. The inner list is for F/M Spanking blogs and the outer is for all blogs that I follow and both are in most recently updated blog at the top. So, if a F/M Blog updated two minutes ago, it will be listed at the top of both columns. It may not be the best way to list them, but it works for me.

What happens with this method is that blogs that haven't been updated for a while drop to the bottom of the list. So, if someone hasn't updated their blog for months or even years the blog will drop to the bottom of the page. Some bloggers drop these older blogs but I usually leave them, it's not like it hurts anything and sometimes they come back to life.

The one problem I have is that since I try to list F/M blogs in the inner column, I sometimes can't tell what is a F/M blog just by the title or recent post snippet when I'm maintaining the blog roll.

So, if you have a F/M oriented blog and I don't have you listed that way please leave a comment and I'll add your blog to the F/M list.

ADD: I initially made this post without any pictures... But I like pictures, especially if they suggest something or tell a story. I've just added this fine picture 'Red' at Consensual Spanking recently posted on his return from vacation. Somehow, it just screams Maintenance, after all, that is the subject of today's post at Her Paddle Central 

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow blogger (and thanks for listing our blog on your blog-roll), I really appreciate your insite. Its interesting the way you have set things up and the reasons behind it.

    One thing that I have observed in the year our blog has been in existance is the plethora of F/M and FLR blogs that have sprung up. I find it difficult to keep up with all of them and it seems like I keep finding more and more that I need to add to our own blog roll.

